Thursday, January 26, 2012

Readers' Feedback Welcome

Actually I would love to hear from anyone about their experiences with bamboo products.  Negative or Positive.

I hear stories from people whose family members have had bamboo growing rampantly - some even part of the mean killing machine in an effort to get the 'weed' removed from the garden.  That is of course by the sounds of the stories, the 'running' bamboo, which sends rhizomes just under the surface of the soil in all directions.  The rhizomes can be a bit difficult to remove - even leaving a little bit will be enough for the plant to regenerate.

I must say, apart from 'liking' the bamboo plant, I didn't take much notice of it until my discovery of bamboo undies.  I'm off to get some more this week - 30% off ladies underwear at Target in the next couple of days.  Whoo hoo!  A bargain!!

Any comments, questions, stories?  Use the comment box.  All spam, unwanted material is moderated and deleted.  So don't bother putting advertisements for anything in the comments - I'll delete it, however, if you have some bamboo products for sale, let me know.  I may be interested in featuring them in this blog.

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